Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

From the Editor: Putting a face to farming

May 28, 2024  By Alex Barnard

Photo by Alex Barnard.

It’s always so energizing to go out and talk to people about agriculture. It’s exciting to learn about the research being conducted and hear the passion in people’s voices when they talk about their niche of the industry and what they’re doing.

I’m writing this while still invigorated from attending the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention (OFVC), where I caught up with growers, industry reps and researchers about the latest trends, threats and opportunities facing the sector. Nothing beats those face-to-face conversations. You’ll be reading about them in future issues, and hearing from the experts on our Ag Annex Talks podcast. 

This issue features our new Who’s Who section, showcasing some exemplary members of the fruit and vegetable community from across Canada. Who’s Who sprung from our desire to highlight the diversity of practices and attitudes currently in use in the industry.

Read about Alf Krause of British Columbia and his booming U-pick berry farm and winery; Guy Pouliot, a berry grower from Quebec, and his enthusiasm for growing the future of the industry; apple farmer Samuel Bourgeois of New Brunswick, who tells visitors and governments alike about his province’s small but flourishing apple industry; and mixed organic farm owners Patricia Bishop and Josh Oulton of Nova Scotia, who work hard to connect their community with good food and where it comes from.


Also, this summer we’re bringing back our photo contest, which is one of my favourite projects to work on. One fantastic photo will be featured on the cover of our November issue – coincidentally, the issue that will mark the beginning of Fruit & Vegetable’s 80th anniversary year. Other stellar photos submitted for the contest will be printed inside, so don’t miss this opportunity to send us your best snaps from the field and farm.

If it shows some aspect of Canadian horticulture, we want to see it! And while we love photos of the prettiest produce, we also want to see other sides of the industry, too. When we ran this contest in 2022, my favourite photo was of a stinkbug the photographer found while scouting his gooseberries.

Good luck with your preparations for #grow24. Here’s hoping March goes out like a lamb and the season roars to life.

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