Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Fruit Production
Frost damage, protection in strawberry and saskatoon orchards

June 6, 2011  By Anthony Mintenko MAFRI provincial fruit crop specialist

frostdamagesaskJune 6, 2011 – With the recent frost in some areas of the
province, saskatoon and strawberries flowers were at risk of damage. Most saskatoon
orchards are at balloon or full flower phase so they may be at the greatest
risk of frost damage, while for strawberries flowering was just starting (five
per cent flowering or less).

June 6, 2011 – With the recent frost in some areas of the
province, saskatoon and strawberries flowers were at risk of damage. Most saskatoon
orchards are at balloon or full flower phase so they may be at the greatest
risk of frost damage, while for strawberries flowering was just starting (five
per cent flowering or less).

Frost damage to saskatoon blossom.  

The amount of damage to the flower tissue depends on many
factors such as length of frost event, lowest temperature achieved, soil
temperature/ moisture levels (heat release from the soil by conductivity) and
precipitation (snow/ rain) occurring during frost event (may help protect plant
similar to irrigation method).

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