Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Chemicals Diseases
Kasumin bactericide registered in Canada

February 22, 2013  By Press release

Symptoms of fire blight on apple branches.

February 22, 2013, Cary, NC – Arysta LifeScience North America recently received registration for Kasumin bactericide for use on pome fruit and fruiting vegetable markets in Canada.  

Kasumin provides control of fire blight in apples and pears as well as suppression of bacterial spot and bacterial stem canker in tomato and pepper crops. Kasugamycin, the active ingredient in Kasumin, features a unique mode of action different from other bactericides, making it an effective resistant management tool. Specifically in apples and pears, Kasumin provides effective control of fire blight, including streptomycin resistant strains.

Arysta LifeScience is excited to bring Kasumin into the pome fruit market to help manage fire blight,” said Mark McLear, marketing and key accounts manager with Arysta LifeScience. “With a new mode of action to control fire blight, Kasumin provides growers a great new tool to manage this destructive disease.

“Tomato and pepper growers also are looking for new products to help manage bacterial disease infection,” McLear added. “Growers can rotate Kasumin with other fungicides and also may tank-mix with Kocide formulations, giving them more flexibility to manage bacterial spot and stem canker as the growing season progresses.”


Kasumin also is registered for use in greenhouses on fruiting vegetable crops

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