Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Production Vegetables
McGuinty government selects new OFPMC chair

December 15, 2008  By OMAFRA

December 12, 2008, Toronto, Ont. – Ontario has appointed Gerald Kamenz
as the new chair of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission.

December 12, 2008, Toronto, Ont. – Ontario has appointed Gerald Kamenz as the new chair of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission.

Kamenz is well known in the agriculture sector in Ontario and across Canada. He is the past president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture.

“Mr. Kamenz brings broad agricultural knowledge and proven chairing skills to the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission,” said Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. “He’s already shown his commitment to moving agriculture forward and this appointment will benefit producers and their processor-partners in our regulated marketing system.”


Kamenz has worked on behalf of agriculture in many capacities including the Canadian Federation of Agriculture’s Environment and Science Committee and the Canadian Agri-Food Research Council.

“I’ve spent the last 25 years building relationships with all stakeholders in the agri-food sector,” said Kamenz. “I look forward to furthering that goal with the other seven members of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission.”

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