Fruit & Vegetable Magazine

Features Fruit Production
New KPPA Extension agronomist for potatoes

April 24, 2012  By Keystone Potato Producers’ Association

April 24, 2012, Winnipeg, Man – The board members of the Keystone Potato Producers’ Association (KPPA) recently announced that Andrew Ronald has been hired as KPPA Extension agronomist.

KPPA board members thought it prudent to keep a knowledgeable potato extension person, such as Andrew, in Manitoba to continue the pursuit of improving potato quality, production and remain competitive with other growing areas.

Andrew’s formal education includes a BSc in Agriculture (with Distinction) from the University of Manitoba. He continued his studies at the University of Manitoba earning a Masters degree for a research project on the effect of vine killing on Russet Burbank yield, process quality, and disease development.

Andrew’s work experience includes 12 years as a potato agronomist – five years in Alberta and seven years as chief agronomist supervising three additional agronomists in Manitoba. This experience included numerous training and development opportunities with a worldwide potato processor.


In his Extension role, Andrew will report to the KPPA board. The board views Andrew’s role as consultative to all members to give guidance, a second opinion, and be a sounding board for best management practices in producing processing potatoes. The board believes this role will complement the current role of private consultants and assist other growers, especially young producers and farm agronomists. Andrew will play a key role in the identification of research needs, resulting in the further enhancement of research projects and the accelerated adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.

Andrew can be contacted at 204-721-4411 or

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